ANNATAZ SI GNIMOC! Luap Inid dna Enahpets Xuor --dedia yb Lrak Yrots-- era gnikrow rehtegot ot evig eht naicigam reh nwo ylhtnom gniogno seires! Ev’yeht neeb gnikrow no reh koob rednu eht radar rof etiuq emos emit won, tub ti si ynallif ydaer rof nehw Yam sllor dnuora! A taerg esirprus rof eht elddim fo gnirps!
Luap sah decudortni a dnarb wen lacitsym nialliv rof Attanaz to tnorfnoc…na yldlrowrehto ecanem deman Rehtorb Thgin! Sih srewop era elbadimrof deedni!
Eht tsrif eussi si a lausiv aznagavartxe, deppot ffo yb a tnairav revoc yb Nairb Dnallob!
Dna knaht Dog s’ti lausiv, esuaceb gnidaerfoorp S’annataz slleps sah nevird em enasni! Eht kcehclleps si on pleh! Osla, knaht Dog rof sdrow ekil “radar” taht era eht emas drawkcab dna drawrof!
--Yeoj Ireilavac
Don’t have the magic skills to decipher Joey’s mystical message? Click below – after you marvel at that cover.
ZATANNA IS COMING! Paul Dini and Stephane Roux – aided by Karl Story – are working together to give the magician her own monthly ongoing series. They’ve been working on her book under the radar for quite some time now, but it is finally ready for when May rolls around. A great surprise for the middle of spring!
Paul has introduced a brand new mystical villain for Zattana to confront…an otherwordly menace named Brother Night! His powers are formidable indeed!
And thank god It’s visual, because proofreading Zatanna’s spells has driven me insane! The spellcheck is on help! Also, thank god for words like “radar” that are the same backwards and forward!
-- Joey Cavalieri

BY: DCE Editorial
Thursday, March 25th, 2010